Meny Lukk

Coburg 2025

Info about Coburg 2025 will come on this page.


Departure: The bus leaves Copenhagen Thursday 11. July at 21:00. Show up at 20:00 to pack the bus. Location: Køge Nord (Free parking), Map HERE.
Ps: You are welcome to Theis’ place from 17:00. Address: Ejbyvej 85, 4623 lille Skensved, Map here.

What to bring: Sleeping bag, air mattress, plastic plate, cup and cutlery for breakfast, water bottle, ear plugs, eye mask for sleeping, hygiene articles, Visa card and ID/passport. See pictures below.
Clothes: Bateria: White pants + red/blue star t-shirt. If you don’t have, bring a white t-shirt. Rain poncho, and other clothes for staying 3-4 days.
Dancers: costume of your own choice + other clothes.
What we get in Coburg: Our base and sleeping area is in Alexandrinum school [MAP], classroom 205+206. We are served breakfast Saturday and Sunday. Each get 3 food coupons/tickets worth 6 euro for buying food at the food trucks. Each get artist wristband, so we can enter backstage area, scenes etc. More info about festival here:

Program in Coburg:
Friday, after arrival: Lunch in Hartmann’s restaurant, Karchestraße 2.
Check-in at Alexandrinum school, room 205+206+Turnhalle: Friday at 15:00.
We will perform at these times: (Show is max 30 min! Meet up 30 minutes before show.)
Friday: 19:00 at Schlossplatz.
Saturday: 13:30 at Loreley. 15:30 at Markplatz. 19.30 at Reithalle
Sunday: Check out of school before 12:00. Parade starts 14:00 in Albertsplatz. Preparations starts at 12:00.
Parade route: Albertsplatz – Ketschengasse – market square – Herrengasse – Grafengasse – stage Schlossplatz – Reithalle (end). Oslo goes out as number 7 in the lineup.
Practice times: (outside the school)
Friday: 16:00-17:30. After that we go to the backstage area and eat, before performance at stage 19:00
Saturday: 12:00-13:00
Map showing the stages and locations here:
